
Montag, 10. Februar 2025

Mit Zahlen & Statistiken die Welt verbessern (4) - Das grosse PV-Wunder

Solarmedia präsentiert in loser Folge Statistiken, die die britische Plattform «Our World in Data» veröffentlicht, und die mit verbesserten Lebensbedingungen auf der Welt in Zusammenhang stehen. Das geschieht in diesem Blog naheliegenderweise nicht zum ganzen reichen Schatz an Daten, der sich bei «Our World in Data» in den vergangenen Jahren aufgebaut hat, sondern vor allem rund um die Themen Energie und Wirtschaft.

Unglaublicher Produktivitätsgewinn

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To mitigate the negative impacts of climate change, the world needs to quickly transition from fossil fuels to low-carbon energy sources such as solar power. The chart shows how much this transition has accelerated in the last two decades. In 2004, it took the world about a year to add one gigawatt of solar power capacity. By 2023, the same amount was added, on average, every single day. For reference, a gigawatt of solar is enough to power approximately 200,000 homes in the US. Much of this growth has been driven by China, which by 2023 accounted for about 43% of the cumulative installed capacity worldwide. A big reason for this acceleration has been a large decrease in the price of solar panels. Since 2001, the price has dropped by about 95%, from $6.21 to $0.31 per watt.

Learn more about why renewables like solar became so cheap so fast

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